The show aired Dec. 4 on CBS but they have only just posted it for online viewing recently.
Due to the strike I haven't even bothered updating the tv shows I watch b/c most are reruns and it just makes me sad... moving along- I love watching this 'fashion' show!
This year they had the Spice Girls -finally, after 6 years of not performing as a group they made a big, um, splashy, um, lip synced comeback! Woo hoo!
Posh was awesome- she is still my favorite spice! She even sang a little bit... good hand motions and everything!
Actually, it was a decent performance and I am such a fan from back in the 90's (I will not admit knowing anything culturally relevant from before then...) it was a pleasure to hear the same old hearty spice sound! Maybe I will get lucky and get a chance to go to one of their completely sold out world tour shows, we'll see.
Miranda Kerr- my current favorite angel- was cute, bubbly, perky and fun- and I love her accent and dimples, so she can do no wrong. (Great NYC theme too!)
Heidi Klum hosts the online version, and she actually gets onstage at one point and duets with her husband, Seal. It wasn't bad, I actually like the song (and Seal's music is always good) but Heidi was mostly falsetto-ing along, and seriously made more of an arm-candy impact than a vocal one (I hope she doesn't go and make an album from this- it would def hurt Seal's career to duet with her in real life from what I saw, but I will give her points for nervousness, because I have heard the woman yodel and she is goooood).
Anyhoo, fun fun show-
Lot's of very skinny, toned beauties sashaying down the runway in skimpy little outfits with themes and tons and tons of glitter- LOVE IT!
I secretly wish I could be in the show every year as I watch, and then slowly talk myself down because hello, when you get down to it, they are walking in full 360 degree view of millions of people in their UNDERWEAR! I know they are all in shape blah blah blah but still, they have to have some insecurities and mine would be written all over my face- doesn't matter if I am Marisa Miller or Selita Ebanks or freaking Giselle- sometimes you just don't want to go out in public in anything less than sweats, Uggs and sunglasses!
Anyone hiring? (Kidding! Need a year at the gym before you'd get me to try sauntering in those 6 inch heels with nothing protecting my likely to fall bottom from the floor but a piece of silk and lace!
The finale was great- Heidi walked out in a tiara, silver mini dress and this giant snowflake that expanded! She almost knocked Seal off the stage as she passed him!!!
Thank You Victoria's Secret!