
Monday, March 3, 2008

Lipstick Jungle

Last week was a little hectic, so I watched the last episode of Lipstick Jungle and didn't write about it- but I will make up for it now...

quick recap- Nico is being sued by Kirby (the assistant she had a brief steamy affair with) for sexual harassment, Victory fought with her billionaire boyfriend because he (shocker) didn't want to hang out with her friends....that's about it for important details

Notice about 2.31 seconds in to the episode, Nico is hiding her stomach behind a pillow- and in the last episode (even with the sex scene) they never showed her stomach either- that's because -obviously- during filming Kim Raver was gigantically pregnant... just thought you'd like to know.

Anyway, Nico tells her friends about the affair, and now the suit, and they are all shocked! It's a little bit fake-ish that Brooke Shields (can't remember her character's name) goes home right after and has spontaneous random sex with her husband in the laundry room- they even turn on the dryer! In real life, it would never work that way, plus you know she only did it to prove there is still 'something there' between her and him, to reaffirm she's not like Nico....

Victory goes home and immediately makes nice with her billionaire boyfriend- but first asks him why he's never been married- and he responds (kind of quickly) that he's a business man, he never wanted to get into a deal that wouldn't work out for him, and she is okay with that and they get busy...

Fast forward to Nico's boss and the head of legal tell her not to worry, she'll sign a statement and Kirby will basically be ruined. She hesitates over signing it but then decides to when she realizes if she doesn't get it over and done with, her marriage may collapse. It also helps that Brooke tells her to do it- although I would not take my legal advice from her myself...but has everyone forgotten that Nico took naked pics with Kirby? Obviously he didn't take the settlement cuz he can JUST SELL THE PHOTOS!

Stupid Nico- after her co-worker Mike spills that he knows about the alleged affair, she goes to see Kirby at his job at a bar. Stupid Nico.

Victory gets the chance to dress the star of one of Brooke Shield's upcoming movies, and works like crazy to get a fabulous outfit done for the premier. Side note, I love her new assistant- he is awesome and funny.

Best line ever:
"Can I mix gin with vodka? Not after Labor Day!"

So, Victory designs the dress, Brooke critiques it to death and at the premiere, the star is drunk and crazy cuz her boyfriend just dumper her and when she sees him with a new date, she tries to run him over with the limo...

So, at the premiere, Nico finds out that Kirby dropped all charges, which works out for her cuz she is starting ti suspect that her husband is cheating on her with a student (actually, she was hi student once upon a time too, so it's not so far fetched) and she meets up with Kirby after the event...stupid Nico.

Victory gets the promo stuff she needed when the starlet gets released from jail wearing her dress, and the premier ends up being very popular due to all the drama, so all's well that ends well.

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