
Friday, October 26, 2007

Samantha Who

Let me start with this- Christina Applegate is adorable in 'The Sweetest Thing' which is one of my favorite movies. I am glad she has a show where we get to see her talent every week.

The premise of the show is that Samantha was in an accident and has no memory from before the accident. She is trying to piece clues of who she is from things she finds and people she speaks to. Her mom (played by Jean Smart) is funny, abrasive and totally in her face. Her dad is big teddy bear, and the random friends who come out of the woodwork are hilarious.

I like Jennifer Esposito, she is really well cast.

Anyway, all the signs seem to indicate that Samantha was an awful person who lied, stepped all over people and was mean to those around her- and since she remembers none of it this all makes for a highly hilarious show.

Fr'instance, she finds a card for a doctor's appointment in her wallet, shows up and finds out it was for breast implants!!! She also forgets her fear of elevators, until she gets in one and freaks out.

It is a really cute show with great humor and funny one liners- worth watching

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