
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Desperate Housewives

Sunday's episode was ok, but pretty tame.

Gabrielle went on a secret boat trip with Victor, unaware that he knew about her affair with Carlos because of the pictures Edie showed him. Carlos calls her while she is on the boat and tells her that Victor knows, and then Gabrielle thinks Victor is trying to kill her and hits him with an oar, knocking him overboard. She drives the boat back to the dock and meets Carlos, who insists they have to go back and rescue Victor! When they do, Victor grabs a knife and goes after Carlos, so Gabby whacks him again- only this time he doesn't come back up- and although they search for him, they can't find him. They dock again and then realize that since no one knows he was taking Gabrielle out on the boat anyway, of they just set the boat adrift, people will assume he killed himself when he found out she was leaving him.

This definitely leaves the window for Victor to have swum to safety or something open.

Dylan confronts her mom about her dad, and her mom totally lies to her and says her dad used to beat her and she is free to go find him, but can't tell him where her mom is... total lies, but not sure what the real truth is. Might be hyped up to the point where when we finally get the truth, it will suck.

Lynette tries to pawn off her mom on her other sisters, but they bring their mom back and during the ensuing fight (where Lynette realizes she is the only one who actually cares what happens to their mom) Grandma gets in a taxi and goes away...

...Bree decides to get new baby Benjamin circumcised- while Orson is completely against it (he had a bad experience with it himself at the age of 5). He stops her from getting it done by faxing all the doctors in the area that he does not give his permission, but Bree outwits him by going to a friends baby's bris and convincing the rabbi to do it for her baby too. Bree also meddles with Mike and Susan, finding a pill that isn't aspirin on the floor and telling Susan she thinks Mike is on drugs.

Susan confronts Mike, who lies, but then she finds a stash of pills and confronts him again- and he tells her the truth- he hurt his shoulder but can't stop working because it costs $10,000/year to send babies to private pre-school and he needs to be able to provide for their baby...

Not a bad episode, but hopefully next week will be a bit better.

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