
Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Shots 1.17.08

I am happy- a new episode! (and yes, I'm watching it live)

James and Katie are in bed together (finally, we knew it was going to happen).

Later at the club, the guys warn him that office romances are dangerous, and Duncan updates them that Zack is recovering from his attempted suicide. Brody reminds him that he's not really Zack's dad, but Duncan says Zack has no one else...

Brody gets this sports guy out of a parking ticket, and then the guy hires him (didn't catch his name). Irony being, when Brody gets back to his car, HE has a parking ticket!

James asks Katie to go public with their relationship and sign company release of liability paperwork so they can date in the office publicly, mostly to protect them from the Board, but she convinces him they should keep it private.

Duncan meets Elizabeth during lunch and finds out she is selling her business. Duncan says she is being predictable, and bending over too far for Terrence.

Jump to Duncan in bed with a random pretty girl... she asks him to come out partying with her, and he says no, "Once I get into bed, I don't get out" and she calls him a loser, but then he gets a call and he says he'll be right there.

Karl walks in and sees his wife holding a positive pregnancy test- belonging to Marla (his ex-mistress). Marla hasn't confirmed whose baby it is- in fact she didn't give his wife the test, his wife found it...

Duncan gets to the office and sees Terrence- turns out women are having allergic reactions on the East coast to a certain product. Duncan starts talking about preempting the negative publicity by putting out positive press, but Terrence wants to keep silent.

(Sorry, this episode is starting out a bit boring...)

Brody gets a call from the new sports guy he's repping- Gary. Gary is drunk at 5:30 pm (2:30pm west coast time) and asks Brody for a ride- when Brody tells him to take a cab, Gary points out how bad it will look if the press catches on, so Brody cancels his plans with his wife and goes to pick up Gary and drive him home. Gary is at a bar, still partying, and tries to get Brody to start drinking with him, and tries to get Brody to be his wing man with a hot chic he is trying to score with by talking to the chic's very cute, drunk friend... nuff said.

Duncan is visiting Zack, and starts telling him about the issue with the company and Terrence's threat to fire him if the stock drops... as they are talking it ends up on the news about the allergic reactions- because a prom had to get cancelled when all the girls got sick from the makeup!

Karl confronts Marla about being pregnant- and she reassures him that the baby is Tom's (her ex) not Karl's.

Duncan meets with one of the mother's whose daughter got sick from the make up. She plays hard ball and Duncan writes down a dollar amount on a piece of paper, and she agrees to the settlement amount. Duncan then does a press conference, with all the girls from the prom behind him, and he announces that they will all go to a replacement prom, at his country club and get gift baskets too. (Nice recovery Duncan!)

James and Katie kiss in the office after a meeting, and the disgruntled co-worker who complained to James about Katie sees them kissing... dum dum dum

(Yeesh- every time I get into it and start writing it cuts to commercial!!!)

James meets with Kevin (disgruntled co-worker), and the he tells James he saw James and Katie kissing- and that he wants a higher salary or he'll tell. James counters that the board will care a lot more about the missing $2 million than some office romance- SNAP!

The prom girl's mom stops by to see Duncan and invite him to some event, and they start flirting. She sees the young hottie waiting for Duncan and kind of teases him about it...

James tells Katie about Kevin's threat to tell, and they agree to fill out the office paperwork that will allow them to date.

Brody is wrecked after partying with Gary the athlete and new client- and when he meets with Duncan and James they discuss all their issues. Karl joins them late, and informs them that Marla is moving out, and that the baby isn't his. They realize that she probably lied, its probably Karl's anyway...

Duncan gets a call, and runs to see Zack- who broke into the pharmacy at the hospital where he is recovering. I missed what it was all about, but I think Zack might be crazy.

Back at the office, Duncan gets a call from Terrence about how the stock fell a little bit, even though Duncan managed the crisis. He warns Duncan that the next time it happens, he'd better listen to him, or Duncan would be fired. Another guy at the company overhears and tells Duncan he thinks it was Terrence who made the stock drop, so he could buy it all up and also fire Duncan... later Duncan sees Elizabeth and is mean to her and tells her he knows about Terrence's plan to buy all the stock and ruin his life... she doesn't believe him, but he didn't think she would anyway.

Later that night, Duncan is trying to have a romantic night in with his hot young fling and she says she's not into wine- that's something her dad would be more into... ouch.

Elizabeth confronts Terrence and asks him to promise to never sell Reveal. He says he didn't intend to, but now he has a buyer, and could double his money on it. Terrence gets pissed and is nasty to Elizabeth (scary nasty, mean). She walks out.

The re-prom is going on and Duncan surprises the prom-mom he was flirting with by showing up. They bail on it together and go to his place and get drunk and, well, you know... and then they get back to the prom. She tells him it was fun for one night, but it won't work between them long term, they just live different lives.

Brody is at a fancy restaurant getting ready to wine and dine his wife, he ignored his cell when it rings- Gary is on the id... the next day Brody has to look at photos of Gary drunk and crazy, that Gary bought from the photographer with the money he should have paid Brody...but now won't...

Katie tells James she can't do this with him at work- she has worked too hard and come too far on her own to let it get diminished by her relationship with him. They agree it wasn't a mistake, they just need to focus on their careers, and they will just be friends. (which I can already tell you won't work out long term so why bother? She should just go work at another company). Then James goes and fires Kevin... who threatens to go tell the board, but James just wishes him luck and has security escort him out.

Karl confronts Marla again- and tells her he knows the baby is his, and they need to tell Wendy.

Duncan gets a call from the hospital- and finds out Zack is missing...

Elizabeth drives up to pick up Terrence and make nice with him,and as he approaches the car, a gun fires- and we see that Zack shot Terrence... and then Zack runs away...

Whew- it took the entire episode but the last few seconds are finally worth it!!!

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