
Friday, January 18, 2008

Celebrity Apprentice 1.17.08

I missed the first minute, but here's the rest of it, live.

Nely and Carol walk back in, so everyone knows Nadia was fired. Omarosa does this pep talk thing saying they just need one win and then it will be a domino effect and the girls will win it all- um, ok. They might stand a chance if Omarosa gets fired, otherwise no matter who she works with, they'll lose!

Alright, because the women are getting beat so badly, Trump asks one of the men to switch over- and of course, Gene Simmons switches to the women's team. The task is something about Kodak, printers and ink (I wasn't really listening, it was boring) and Nely over talks everyone during the meeting with the executives. Later, Gene points out that the Kodak execs are wrong about what they told Nely, and that the women need to focus on more than just the ink...

Stephen Baldwin really enunciates words, over and over again. Tito Ortiz is the PM this week, but it seems like Stephen is taking over- he just keeps blabbering... Piers Morgan suggests a 'knock down' between Tito and Lennox Lewis, then Stephen says "Kodak is going to knock you out!". Trace Adkins (a country singer) is also on the men's team- I feel like he could be the underdog who wins it all if Gene falls through on me. Vinny Pastore (from The Sopranos) is also on the team- and he is hilarious!

Unfortunately for the men, just as they finish taking pics of Lennox and Tito (shirtless, "knocked out" by the Kodak printer...) Stephen knocks over a drink and it goes all over the one laptop they had all their stuff on... they don't know if the laptop will work or if they lost all their stuff, so they come up with a plan B just in case- which they ended up needing- so their presentation is a bunch of sloppy poster's, and their sales skills will matter most!

Gene, as PM for the women, makes everyone do all the work, and as much as you want to criticize him you can't cuz he wins, and is usually right! He gets all the women to sell the printer's, and really just watches as it all happens. Jim Kramer (Mad Money) stops by... I hate his show, he is loud and a blowhard...and he looks much smaller on this show than on his usual show.

The women's presentation is really professional, as opposed to the men's. The men start gaining momentum by really promoting the inexpensive ink, but I think the women are gonna win this one.

Yay! My favorite TV fake CEO- Alec Baldwin showed up to lend his brother support!!! He's funny on 30 Rock, so his appearance definitely lent a lot to the men's team. He buys a lot of printer/ink just to donate to charity, but it was nice of him to show up and help out his lil brother.

So, we are in the board room- and Gene immediately is in the hot seat with Trump over his skipping the executive meeting... but then it slips over the sloppy men's team presentation and Tito explains about the coffee spill... Jim Kramer weighs in and says the men's team had a sloppy presentation, but got the message across better- and Hydra wins! (I am surprised, thought Empresario would take it home) If Gene had gone to the meeting and understood the message Kodak was trying to promote, they would have won- but even in dollar dales, the men beat the women too!

Bad feeling now- Gene is gonna get blamed, but I think he will wiggle his way out and Nely will be out cuz even though he wasn't at the meeting, she was and it will land on her. Yup- I was right- the Kodak execs told Trump that Nely talked wayyyy too much at the meeting. Carol kind of squirms when he confronts her, and the Omarosa attacks Gene in the boardroom by saying he doesn't even know the product (which he doesn't know, even though it's written on his hand).

Trump asks Carol who she would fire, and she says herself or Nely. Omarosa says Gene. Jenny says Gene. Marilu says Gene. Nely says Jenny (huh?) and explains that it is because she isn't a good leader (which makes no sense because she wasn't even PM!). Gene brings Omarosa into the boardroom (but he should have brought Nely too, and now he will be fired). Sucks when ego gets in the way of a smart decision.

Trump tells Gene he needs to bring someone else in, even though Gene asked if he could only bring one and Trump agreed he could! He should bring Nely, she'll be fired EASILY! (Of course, its commercial break!)

So, Gene decides to bring Jenny Finch back in to the board room too (she won a gold medal for something, no idea what). Gene is going home- I am so annoyed at him. Jim Kramer is so pissed he stutters! (I really don't like the guy, sorry). Omarosa immediately defends herself, and Trump asks Gene what he should do, he even says that if he tells Gene to do one thing Gene will go do the exact opposite (Trump wants to say because he's stubborn, but he says because Gene is a strong thinker) and then Trump fires Gene.

Blargh! Such a stupid show today, I may have to stop watching at this point. It was just dumb.

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