
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Converse Ads

I like to think that I am not overly sensitive when it comes to expressing yourself and being creative and creativityin general- I will laugh at jokes that border on being un-pc and while being very very careful to never offend anyone else, see the humor in many things others find offensive.

Now, below is the link to a number of short Converse ads (yes, the shoes).

Across the top of the website it says:
"These short films are about being original. Feel free to share them, question them, or better them. Just don't do nothing."

In particular, the ad called 'Pageant' really sets me on edge.

I happened to see it for the first time as a family member lay dying in the hospital, and it jarred me so badly I started crying. The reason I share this very personal event is that while I understand the message they are trying to share, I also cannot shake the feeling that they are mocking me, and my choices to watch TV and particularly what I watch. I reiterate, I never felt particularly sensitive about stuff like this, but in this case, I feel like the advertiser went a little far.

Also, the 'Pageant' ad ( played out of the blue while I was innocently watching a show online on -so any kid who watches stuff on their website is also exposed to this harsh, cynical type of advertising. I just think in this case they pushed this particular envelope too far-off the edge of the table and then stepped all over it with muddy shoes- and would appreciate just a hint of sensitivity.

There should be a way to receive online ads that reflect content you wish to see- and also a way to choose the type of ads minors can see as well. I don't want any of my younger siblings to ever see that ad and feel like what they are watching is wrong, or bad (unless of course, what they are watching IS actually wrong or bad in which case please, go right ahead and send me an email alerting me as well so I can block the site and track their every moves online... see I have a sense of humor...)

My point is, while I get the message loud and clear, it hurt just a bit, and I wanted to put it out there.

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