
Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Shots 1.24.05

Terrence is dead! I really assumed he'd have a few episodes in the hospital and then make a comeback. Good plot twist! Unfortunately, Duncan can be blamed now for hiring Zack to shoot Terrence...but it gets even worse when Duncan realizes he once slept with Terrence's sister a long time ago- and it ended badly!

Brody brings the guys to his 'special place' - a man's playground with video games and all kind of entertainment housed in an apartment because his wife won't let him have all the stuff!
Unfortunately for Brody, Janelle finds the place and surprises him there...and says she doesn't mind if he does 'Brody stuff' but he needs to do it together with her. She tries video game football, but sucks at it and it gives her a headache, so she suggest basketball. Brody tried to show her how to play, and misses every time (He's never missed before) and then Janelle makes every shot! She also beats him at Foosball!
She was playing him all along though, by winning at everything she takes the fun out of it and Brody decides to give up the apartment... as the movers are packing it up, Janelle slips him a tip and tells him he can 'lose some of the oxes' she's a sly little minx!

But Brody isn't that dumb, the next day the mover comes to Brody with a key and says its all back in place- and Brody pays him- maybe Brody knows more about Janelle than she realizes!!

Duncan finds out that Terrence was major stockholder at Reveal- therefore Elizabeth is now his new boss... and now his corporate card doesn't work! Victoria (Terrence's sister) confronts Duncan and Elizabeth and tells Elizabeth she won't get a cent, that she thinks she just married her brother for the money...

In another twist (writer's are on fire this week) Marla is the one begging Carl not to tell his wife about their affair and that her baby is his! She doesn't want their friendship ruined- then in a predictable turn of events, Wendy walks in and Marla blurts it all out- and then Wendy throws them both out of the house. Carl tried to make up by buying her jewellery, but that doesn't work. Marla tried next, by asking Wendy to raise the baby with Carl- and Wendy relents and let's Marla back in (but not Carl...).

Katie is fed up with all the whispers and stares about her brief fling with James so she goes on an interview thinking if she doesn't work at the same company then they can date in peace- but in the end decides she can handle it. They come out publicly at work that they are dating.

Duncan meets with Victoria to get her to back off of Elizabeth, but he is too late- Elizabeth had already met with Victoria and signed over Terrence's entire estate to her.

Carl confronts Wendy and reads his wedding vows aloud to her- and as soon as he finishes she runs away and throws up in the bathroom. Turns out... Wendy is pregnant too! Happy happy joy joy (Poor Carl).

Victoria comes in to the board meeting at Reveal- she now owns Duncan just like her brother did... as Duncan ;eaves the meeting,he finds an envelope with a news article about Terrence's death- and a message "Are you proud of me now Dad? - Zack"

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