
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Single White Female (Bridget Fonda)

OK, I know, this movie came out in 1992- practically ancient history in movie-land, but I wasn't all that into TV and movies when I was younger (actually, I wasn't allowed to go to movies and we didn't have a TV in my house when I was a kid- believe me, I would have been addicted back then if that had been an option!). We recently signed up for Netflix, actually, we signed up this past weekend and I have made very good use of it thus far!
Last night I watched 'Single White Female' starring one of my only female crushes (besides my Angelina Jolie crush- pre kids of course!) Bridget Fonda.

I hope this movie was decently rated back when it came out, but if it didn't do so well, it's OK because I may start a revival- I thought it was HILARIOUS! Not in the we-intentionally-made-this-movie-funny way, more in the this-is-supposed-to-be-scary-so-why-can't-I-stop-laughing way. And I believe Jessica Biel may have stolen Bridget Fonda's nose, but that is for someone else to blog about entirely!

Another awesome discovery from this film is the adorable Stephen Weber. Who? Ahh, I will enlighten you- the douche executive on the now cancelled Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip! Yes- he has a decent role- and one that required some partial nudity I might add! He had a very cute behind back in the day..... but I digress.

The untold star of the movie is Jennifer Jason Leigh (I know- surprisingly well known cast wouldn't you say???) She plays the scary new roommate who ends up taking over Bridget's life and basically killing or almost killing all of her friends! There is a lot of nakedness in this movie, so beware, don't watch it at work or in front of anyone!
Another random actor is Stephen Tobolowsky (who?) aka Bob from Heroes- and he actually looks EXACTLY the same, just a bit thinner...
I have pasted the very short synopsis of the movie from you should watch this movie when you have a long boring night and can't sleep- it's one of those campy bad classics you'll find funny and thoroughly horrible at the same time....

"Allie's new roommate is about to borrow a few things without asking. Her clothes. Her boyfriend. Her life.
Living with a roommate can be murder."

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